CBD Oil for Anxiety and Depression: Is It Worth The Hype?

Top-quality CBD oil online

Is CBD oil for anxiety and depression with all the hype worth it? It is a highly debated topic with many individuals weighing in on both sides. Though majority of the people seem to Prefer cbd oil for anxiety and depression.

CBD oil, which has had promising effects on certain conditions, is quickly becoming a go-to solution to mental-health conditions like anxiety and depression. However, new studies are only adding to the overall confusion of exactly how CBD oil helps you feel better or what it actually does.

In this article we explore what’s going on behind the scenes when you consider taking CBD oil for your mental health.

Types of CBD oil

CBD oil can come in two types:

Full spectrum CBD oil: Every strain has varying percentages of cannabinoids, but since all CBD oils are extracted from the same type of plant, they share the same amount. Full spectrum CBD oil contains many non-intoxicating cannabinoids that could potentially offer a wide range of benefits.

Concentrated CBD oil: This is made by concentrating a full spectrum extract. When it comes to concentrations, the higher the number: mg/mL means more concentrated – there are 100mg/mL and 300mg/mL CBD oils.

Prefer cbd oil for anxiety and depression

Can CBD oil cause a ‘high’?

It depends on the type of CBD oil you are taking and how much you are taking. A full spectrum CBD tincture contains many non-intoxicating cannabinoids, which means it can’t get you high. However, the more concentrated your CBD is (in mg/mL), the more likely you may experience a psychoactive high when taking larger amounts and or over time. This is why it’s important to start with low dosages, working your way up as needed, before taking large doses or continuing with a daily dosage for an extended period of time.

What is CBD oil good for?

Anecdotal reports have suggested that CBD oil has been effective in treating anxiety, pain, nausea and many other conditions. However, clinical trials are underway to find out conclusive results.

What is CBDA vs CBD?

CBDa is a chemical compound found in marijuana that doesn’t bind to cannabinoid receptors. It can still interact with other endocannabinoid receptors, but it doesn’t activate them like THC does. It’s an inactive metabolite of THC. The main difference between CBDa and other cannabinoids is the lack of psychoactive properties that THC has when used for recreational use.

There are many different cannabinoids in marijuana, and CBD is only one of the more common ones. There are also over 100 different types of cannabinoids in hemp. This means that each cannabinoid can potentially work differently on each person, which is why CBD oil effects vary so much from person-to-person.